Easels for amateur artists with the prestige Bonfil
The easels, Phoenix-Bonfil, of tripod for painting, are the most popular
Our pine wood tripod easels, are ideal to start in all painting techniques, both oil, acrylic, or watercolor. They are adjustable in height and inclination. They are foldable and take up very little space.
Our Bonfil Lyre Series range is widely used in schools and artistic workshops.
Their sleek and elegant line makes them ideal display stands for paintings already painted.
Perfect for interior, we have 3 different formats. Maximum frame height between 101 and 133. Now also, the largest model available, 180 cm in an easy-to-mount kit.
Bonfil Lyre Easel 125
Built in pine. Tripod. Easel height 125 cm. Frame height 101 cm. Provided with canvas stop for good stability. Easy to fold.